The National Safety Council has coined June as National Safety Month. During this time each year, the NSC brings additional spotlight to vital safety issues and their implications within workplaces and on roadways.

FlexTrades fully supports this effort and works to promote, teach, and maintain safety, year-round.

Safety-First Training at FlexTrades

To ensure each technician is always putting safety first, everyone goes through pre-deployment safety training, field safety alerts, and ongoing safety training programs on every project.

On top of training, we are constantly innovating how to call out important safety updates internally to keep safety at the forefront of everything we do. This is why we are such big supporters of the National Safety Council dedicating an entire month to focusing on safety.

One such way we do this is by continually creating relevant content for our technicians and others to see via internal communications and across all our online and social media platforms. We also work to promote additional resources and calendar dates surrounding safety through newsletters and internal groups.

Client Benefits

There are many reasons why deploying FlexTrades traveling skilled trades professionals is beneficial to safety and general business practice for any manufacturer:

  • Risk Reduction: In 2023, FlexTrades was recognized with a ‘Risk Control Award of Merit’. The grading/determining factors were critical statistics on loss frequency and severity, and an evaluation of the proactive measures taken to reduce risks.
  • Safety Culture: Technicians, always well-vetted for commitment to safety, from FlexTrades work to create an environment of those who live and breathe safety. Adding our technicians to your team can visually and physically shift the culture around safety in any manufacturing facility.
  • Reduced Operating Costs: The training we implement before a technician deploys, as well as during their project, is the best way to prevent costly safety issues. Remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
  • Increased Productivity: Employees become more productive when they feel as though their daily operations do not put them at risk. Also, rates of absenteeism decrease rapidly when technicians know that their activities follow best safety practices and guidelines.

Stay Safe

We at FlexTrades understand the importance of vigorous safety training. The National Safety Council does too. That’s why we’re such huge fans of the extra light they shine on safety every June! Visit the resources page of their website if you’d like to learn more about how to improve the focus on safety in your facility or home. And remember, you should put safety first every day not just in the month of June.